


Stop Online Fraud, Before It Happens

Precognitive monitors sessions, devices, and users in real-time to identify and thwart sophisticated cybercrime through Adaptive-ID (device intelligence), Precog-BA (behavior analytics), and Decision-AI (decision engine). The platform can be deployed in under 2.5 weeks, reduces manual reviews, and accurately identifies fraudsters in real-time.

With automated, real-time decisions we empower enterprises to proactively prevent attacks, reduce manual review time, and create a frictionless experience for online users.


eCommerce Fraud

Online sales are expected to reach $645 billion dollars this year. While this upward trend is promising for Ecommerce merchants, internet fraud is also rising, with retailers expected to lose close to $130 billion in revenue on fraudulent card not present (CNP) transactions over the next few years.

Precognitive leverages continuous innovation, machine learning, and decades of industry expertise to stay ahead of emerging fraud techniques, safeguarding your business and your customers.

  • Payment Fraud - Precognitive collects and analyzes a multitude of data points coming from the devices being used and the activity occurring on your online properties. This combined data provides a clear picture of all the activity on your site, so at the time of transaction, your system reacts–approve or decline.
  • Account Opening - During any online activity, there are hundreds of data points occurring simultaneously. Precognitive aggregates and analyzes device and behavioral data in real-time, understanding what’s legitimate and what’s not.
  • Loyalty Account Fraud - Users typically access their loyalty accounts through a specific set of devices and locations, repeating a similar sets of actions. Prior planning via visits to your site is also typically involved, providing additional intent signals that we can identify. These traits are observed and profiled by our platform creating a contextual awareness of the consumer’s devices, behavioral patterns, and their intentions, making it simple to understand if it’s a consumer or a crook.
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