Missouri STEP Grant


Missouri State Trade Expansion Program

The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 authorizes the U.S. Small Business Administration to establish a 3-year trade and export promotion pilot program, known as the State Trade and Expansion Promotion (MO STEP=UP) Grant Program, to make grants to States to carry out export programs that assist eligible small business concerns.

The aim of the MO STEP=UP Program is to increase the number of small businesses that are exporting and increase the value of exports for those small businesses that are currently exporting.

Special Consideration is given to the priority sector, Advanced Manufacturing, and the key markets: Canada, China, Europe, India, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Taiwan, and UAE.



The target audience for this program is small businesses, with 500 employees or less. DED will focus assistance to these small firms to new markets in order to ensure increased opportunities.

  • 500 employees or less.
  • In business for 1 year or more.
  • Is operating profitably; based on operations in the US.
  • Is an export-ready U.S. company seeking to export goods or services of U.S. origin or have at least 51% U.S. content.
  • Has demonstrated export sales potential and intent, understanding the costs associated with exporting and doing business with foreign purchasers, including the cost of freight forwarding, custom brokers, packing and shipping and has a strategic plan in effect for exporting.
  • Registrants will be required to acknowledge and commit to the reporting methodology as set forth by the state and detailed on each application form.


Companies wishing to participate in the Missouri STEP grant may email Ann Pardalos at ann.pardalos@ded.mo.gov or call (573) 751-6605.

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